Replacement Signature Mat
This is the replacement Signature KeepsakesTM Mat to be used as a replacement or DIY. It includes *only* the metal mat. It does *not* includes a scribe pack, frame or backing.
Mat size: |
8”x8” |
8"x10" | 11'x12" |
11"x14" |
16"x20" |
20"x24" (11"x14") |
20"x24" (8"x10") |
# Signatures |
30 |
55 | 65 |
75 |
175 |
250 |
300 |
Photo size: |
3”x3” |
4"x6" | 5"x7" |
5"x7" |
8"x10" |
11"x14" |
8"x10" |